Solent Area Marks List 2024

SCRA (Solent Racing & Cruising Association) racing marks for 2024

Solent Marks
Solent Marks

These racing marks are commonly referred to in SORC Sailing Instructions and used in course setting. The names also change from year to year, so use your previous mark lists with caution!

The attachments are:


The 2024 list of changes from 2023 as a pdf.  On the second page are the usual notes explaining how the code system works.


The 2024 list in PDF format (5th February 2024).  The pdf can be used as it stands, and this format makes it relatively hard for anyone to alter the contents inadvertently.  


This information is provided by the SCRA. They provide further useful information, including charts of mark locations and a GPS friendly Marks List. Please check their website for any revisions at:

 Solent Marks - SCRA




Since the 31st January deadline for the 2024 Solent Area Marks List, there are changes that we need to notify.

Mark 25 just west of Hamstead Point, formerly Caldwells Estate Agents, was not expected to be laid.  However, a new sponsor has been found by Royal Solent YC and the buoy is being laid after all.  It will be called Jeremy Rogers Contessa. Details below.

Most charts for 2024 will have been published without this information; and many boat owners will have updated the data on their GPS plotters etc without it.  Accordingly, we suggest that if these marks are included in courses for racing, this should be done cautiously, with competitors advised at the time about the updated information and positions.

In addition, it is possible that Mark 39 Snowden will also be moved slightly, and discussions are under way between the Cowes Harbour Master and the local Cowes clubs.  If any material change is agreed (more than a few metres) we will let you know when it occurs.

The mark details are:




Lat N

Long  W



Jeremy Rogers Contessa


50 43.15

01 27.49



Trinity House Buoy


50 46.19

01 16.97


Best wishes

Peter Bateson


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