SORC regulars in 2024 Transquarda race

 14 July 2024

SORC regulars in 2024 Transquarda race

Azora crewed by Steve Thomas and Chris Morton starts the first leg of the Transquadra  race at 1400 BST on 7th July.
The current forecast looks tricky with  48 hours beating then 24 hrs with no wind as we approach cap Finisterre.  Then light southerlies until the Northerly Portuguese  trades return on Thursday.

You can follow Azora's progress on the Transquadra website.

 Updates from Steve Thomas

Wednesday 10 July 

60 miles to Cap Finestere, the strong headwinds now turned  south  to light beam reaching.  Currently  7th on the water.   Hopfully  we can hold that as the next  2 days will be beating again before we expect to be caught when the wind turns north on Friday.

Thursday 11 July

Wednesday spent most of the day off LA Coruna with no wind,   then all night  beating  in 20 knots through  the inside off the cap finestere TSS . Now Thurday morning  and hard on the wind sailing south, by this evening we should get the much awaited Northerlies for 2 days then light reaching as we turn for Madeira. Currently we are 7th on the water with an ETA of Tuesday mid morning.

Saturday 13 July

Finally have the mortherly winds we were promised although  stronger at 22 knots with gusts to 27. From 0600 Friday to 0600 Saturday we made 208 miles with 116 of those in the first 12 hours . Sailing fast downwind In big season is fun for an hour but tough for 36 and we are both ready for tomorrow's  forecast, light reaching that should take us to the finish off the Eastern end off Madeira. All well on board, flying fish on the decks and spotted a couple of whales.

Sunday 14 July

Fnally  champagne  sailing,  warm sunny 12 knot fetch and surfing to windward on the left over swell from the northerlies. 233 miles to go in a slow right  hand curve that should see us finish Tuesday mid morning.

Wednesday 17 July

Azora finished the first leg of the Transquadra  to Madeira this morning.   We were 6th on the water and 3rd Double handed, hope to be 2nd on corrected.  An epic race that saw it all from calms to 38 knot headwinds and warm sunnytrade wind sailing. 2 days longer than we expected  because  of the amount on calms and beating.  Now motoring to a waiting pontoon for a compliance check and removal of the liferaft and waterman seals.

Video commentary

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